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Setting up a Neighbourhood Watch

Hi Resident,

We have had some residents asking us about neighbourhood watch schemes. Neighbourhood Watch is about people getting together with their neighbours to take action to reduce crime.

They're community initiatives owned and run by their members which are supported by the police but not owned by them, although we sometimes run them.

They work by developing a close relationship between community members and the local police.

Neighbourhood Watch schemes can:

  • cut crime and the opportunities for crime

  • help and reassure those who live in the area

  • encourage neighbourliness and closer communities

  • How to join a Watch scheme

    Go to Neighbourhood Watch to find out what groups are active in your area and to register to join.


    You can also find and contact your local Neighbourhood Watch Association or Scheme Coordinator via the same website for:

  • more information on how the scheme works

  • the benefits of the scheme

  • advice on running a scheme in your local area 


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    Message Sent By
    Andy Mantell
    (Greater Manchester Police, Police Community Support Officer, Tameside South Neighbourhood Team - Hyde Godley Ward)

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