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Stay connected and informed with Bee in the Loop, the free community messaging service from Greater Manchester Police.
Designed to strengthen our partnership with you, Bee in the Loop offers a simple and convenient way to keep up to date with what’s happening in your area. Whether it's crime updates, local incidents, or information from your neighbourhood police officers, you choose what matters most to you.
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Latest Greater Manchester Alerts

Setting up a Neighbourhood Watch
Hi Resident, We have had some residents asking us about neighbourhood watch schemes. Neighbourho...

Anti social behaviour - Howarth Green
Good morning, The Pennine neighbourhood team attended an address at Howarth green as part of our ...

suspicious male
Good morning , and welcome to any new members of BEE IN THE LOOP. A quick update , a resident has re...

ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOURAntisocial behaviour is defined as 'behaviour by a person which causes, or is li...
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