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Community Event - Launch of Oldham District Mini Police

Friday 22nd November saw the launch of the Oldham district Mini Police initiative at Failsworth Town Hall. The evening centred around the Mini Police attestation, where the 21 Oldham Mini Police stood proudly to attest their promises to represent Greater Manchester Police and their respective schools to the best of their abilities.


The 21 Mini Police were selected from two Primary Schools within Oldham (Beever Primary and Holy Family) for being the embodiment of honesty, fairness, and responsibility. The Mini Police, who were between 8 and 10 years old, were surrounded by over 100 family members, police staff, councillors, teachers, and honoured guests.


The evening, led by Neighbourhood Sergeant Rob Coggin, kicked off with an introductory speech from the Oldham Mayor, Cllr Zahid Chauhan who highlighted the electrifying buzz of excitement emanating from the crowd and expressed his own pride that Oldham now has its own Mini Police force.


PC Peter Barnes guided the room through the presentation which detailed what the Mini Police can expect in the coming year, which areas of policing will be explored, and ultimately introducing each individual Mini Police officer with a personal and heart-warming introduction.


PCSO Andy Bigland spoke of ongoing community engagement and assisted in introducing the Mini Police. PC Sikander Khalid spoke about what an attestation means, and why it is such a huge moment for police officer and Mini police alike.


OSO Diane Bradley diligently worked in the background to ensure everything ran smoothly and assisted Oldham’s district commander, Chief Superintendent Mathieson as she closed off the evening by presenting each Mini Police officer with their own warrant cards and portfolio.


PCSO’s Kath Crompton, Anne-Marie Waby-Smith, Barbara Pearson, and Sue Hoyle were also in attendance, supporting the evening.


The night rounded off with refreshments and a meet and greet between the Mini Police, police staff, and honoured guests, including Inspector Amie Whitehead and Chief Inspector Ian Partington. The evenings refreshments were funded by the kind donation from High Sheriff, Eamonn O’Neal.

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