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Good News - The Flowhesion Foundation

The Flowhesion Foundation are extremely proud to announce that our Halliwell Girls Sports Hub have been shortlisted for The Community Project of the year award 2024. We have been nominated by Sport Equal/Sport England. 


The Award ceremony is held in London and we need as many votes as possible from our Community to win.


Please click on the below link to vote for the Flowhesion Foundation.




Please contact us for further information regarding our boys and girls sports hub to register your children (age 12plus) and please vote for us to win.


The Flowhesion Foundation also runs many other groups/sessions within our community such as Men's and Women's health hubs - including yoga and chat and chai. The Duke of Edinburgh Programme , free counselling services, room hire within All Souls Community Centre and Play and Stay toddler sessions. Please contact Julie on 01204 2715106 / 07878989451 to enquire.


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Message Sent By
Mervyn Fox
(Greater Manchester Police, Police Community Support Officer, Bolton North Neighbourhood Team - Crompton West)

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