The Police
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Anti Social Behaviour - Ladybarn Park

Neighbourhood Patrols have been out on Patrol in Ladybarn Park over the weekend due to reports of Anti Social Behaviour. We will continue to increase our presence in the area to provide reassurance. 


Anti-Social Behaviour is anything from aggressive, noisy, abusive behaviour. Neighbourhood issues or disturbances involving drugs or animals. Graffiti, Off Road bikes can also fall into this category too. 


If you are witness to any of the above then please report it to us.


You can follow the form via the link below: 

Report antisocial behaviour | Greater Manchester Police (gmp.police.uk)


Or contact 101 or 999 in an emergency. 


#wecanhelp #dontsufferalone #letstackleittogether


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Message Sent By
Gary Scott
(Police, PCSO , LPT3 A3G1 and A3G2)

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